- History of global theater
- Acting
- Theatrical genres
- Classical vs. contemporary theater
- Roles in performing arts
- A theater life
- Finding funding - the producer
- Dramaturgy
- Art Direction
- Playwriting
- Scriptwriting
- Direction
- Blocking and transitions
- Stage management
- Costume, lighting, prop, and sound design
- Video and projections design
- Advertising for roles and casting
- Acting coaching
- Business for performers
- The Audition
- History of American and African American theater
- Acting for the (web)camera: streaming platforms and social media productions
- The role of the producer and production management
- Business for the performing arts
- Marketing and advertising for the performing arts
- Theatrical unions and other theatrical organizations
- Theater journalism, dramatic criticism and performance studies
- Gender, race, politics, and representation on- and off-stage
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