Exclusive Event 2

Integer a fringilla nisl, consequat maximus velit. Vestibulum id velit in tellus fermentum fermentum id id sem. Maecenas elit est, egestas at auctor ut, tempor et odio. Maecenas in libero sem. Vestibulum posuere blandit orci, sit amet sagittis nisi facilisis ac. Proin tristique, libero id mattis hendrerit, lectus ex tristique leo, eu ultrices libero diam sed lacus. Nullam id pretium tellus. Fusce ut dignissim mi. Maecenas auctor elementum finibus. Aliquam quam lorem, condimentum eu cursus nec, laoreet eu lectus. Sed non odio ultricies, fermentum justo id, mattis massa. Cras tincidunt bibendum dolor sed tincidunt.

Exclusive Event 1

Integer a fringilla nisl, consequat maximus velit. Vestibulum id velit in tellus fermentum fermentum id id sem. Maecenas elit est, egestas at auctor ut, tempor et odio. Maecenas in libero sem. Vestibulum posuere blandit orci, sit amet sagittis nisi facilisis ac. Proin tristique, libero id mattis hendrerit, lectus ex tristique leo, eu ultrices libero diam sed lacus. Nullam id pretium tellus. Fusce ut dignissim mi. Maecenas auctor elementum finibus. Aliquam quam lorem, condimentum eu cursus nec, laoreet eu lectus. Sed non odio ultricies, fermentum justo id, mattis massa. Cras tincidunt bibendum dolor sed tincidunt.

Fashion Industry Essentials

Explore all areas of the fashion industry, discover related careers, and build your own portfolio with this online program from Parsons, featuring Teen Vogue and leaders from across the fashion world.

Fundamentals of Global Sports Management

This cutting-edge online course will explore all aspects of the global sport ecosystem, and provide critical understanding of key job functions as well as emerging trends that are essential to building a successful career in sports.



Over the past few years, the sports world has experienced a digital media explosion as well as a globalization that has dramatically impacted the industry.

Developed in partnership with the faculty of Columbia University’s globally-ranked Sports Management program, this six-course program explores those new frontiers, making them accessible to aspiring sports professionals at a key decision-making moment in their lives.

Learn more at sie.sps.columbia.edu.

SNEAKER ESSENTIALS Explore all angles of the sneaker business – from design through sale – with this new online program from FIT, featuring Complex and leaders from across the sneaker world. Students get insider access to key areas of the industry with 45+ on-demand video lessons, and build real-world skills through self-paced projects and simulations.


Explore all angles of the sneaker business – from design through sale – with this new online program from FIT, featuring Complex and leaders from across the sneaker world.

Students get insider access to key areas of the industry with 45+ on-demand video lessons, and build real-world skills through self-paced projects and simulations.

Learn more at sneakers.fitnyc.edu.



Taught by FIT faculty, editors from Allure, and industry experts from Bobbi Brown, L’Oreal, MAC Cosmetics, and more, this is the first-ever online non-credit certificate program to deliver an in-depth introduction to the diverse array of careers in the $265 billion global beauty industry.

Learn more at beauty.fitnyc.edu.

Music Industry Essentials

Explore all areas of the music business and related careers with this new online program from NYU, featuring Billboard and leaders from across the music world.